About Sussex & Hampshire Denture Clinic
Dentures are a complex and time-consuming thing to make. They should fit your mouth perfectly, be comfortable and as unobtrusive as possible. They should mean you can eat a huge variety of foods and not have to worry about food getting trapped or your denture breaking. They should look right too, as right as you want them to look, as natural as natural teeth meaning you can smile with the confidence that no one would ever know you were wearing a denture.
That is quite a big ask and unfortunately, many dentists really don’t have the time or inclination to provide you with the smile you deserve. Shocking right? But it’s true. This is where Sussex & Hampshire Denture Clinic and Clinical Dental Technician Sandra Davey-Snuggs can help.
Back in the early noughties Sandra was working away in her dental laboratory when she heard about a revolutionary new course enabling a Dental Technician to become a Clinical Dental Technician. Doesn’t sound much does it but this course was the gateway to Sandra seeing patients face to face. It gave her the opportunity to truly focus her expertise, knowledge and understanding in such a complex area of dentistry to create beautiful, well fitting, comfortable and functional dentures that require no compromise.
Since that time Sandra has dedicated her career to providing denture wearers with the best possible experience, after all, wearing dentures isn’t ideal so Sandra wants you to have a happy experience working with you every step of the way to create your perfect smile, one that is as individual as you are.
You are in great hands!
About Sandra
Sandra first qualified as a Dental Technician in 1988 and has continued her learning and advancing her skills throughout her career. In 2007 she graduated with Honours from the George Brown College in Toronto, Canada as a Clinical Dental Technician followed by her Diploma in Clinical Dental Technology through The Royal College of Surgeons, London graduating in 2010.
Sandra was one of the first female Clinical Dental Technicians in the UK, she continues to increase her knowledge in this complex area of dentistry attending courses to extend and enhance her education and training and to promote CDT awareness to the public.
Sandra works with you on every aspect of your smile, both clinically and technically, she will get to know you and, as you have trusted her to be the guardian of your smile, she will explore every avenue with you to bring you the best possible outcome, perfect fitting, natural, functional dentures that let you be you. Sandra doesn’t produce dentures, she recovers lost smiles and confidence, redefining your looks often taking years off of you and often she transforms lives.
Denture provision is one of the most complex and time-consuming disciplines in dentistry, by coming to see Sandra you will have the care of a denture professional in every sense. Dentures are what she does, nothing else. You can be assured that you will receive the best possible outcome from a dedicated professional.
Sandra Davey-Snuggs
Dip CDT RCS (Eng)
GDC Registration Number 142294